Robert Currey (b. 24 Sept 1955) is a British astrologer, writer, lecturer, software designer and programmer and retailer.
In November1981, Currey founded his astrological company, Equinox. Initially, he worked as a consultant astrologer, writer and teacher. In the early days of personal computing in the 1980s he taught himself to write astronomical and astrological software in order to streamline his written chart interpretations. He has continued to work to create a unique synthesized personal analysis described by a New York reviewer as "one of the world's most impressively detailed electronic astrological service".
In 1989, widespread demand for these Equinox charts led him to open the Astrology Shop in Covent Garden, Central London. The store was the first shop in a prime location to be dedicated to astrology and run by astrologers. Now in its fifth decade, the Astrology Shop is still flourishing and is acknowledged as the leading astrological shop in the world. In the 90s, Equinox extended with offices in Sydney, Australia, Portland, Oregon and Naples, Florida.
In 2000, Robert Currey and his wife, astrologer Karen, left London to settle in the Isle of Man to focus on the provision of the Equinox range of charts through the web and by mail. Much of his time is spent in research, writing, consulting, programming and lecturing at exhibitions and conferences in the USA, UK, Australia, Ireland, India, Turkey and Italy.
To date, Currey has authored over 12 peer reviewed published papers providing empirical evidence supporting astrology. He is also involved promoting astrology in his role as Science Editor of the Astrology News Service and as editor of Correlation Journal of Astrology Research.
Education & Qualifications: Robert Currey obtained a BSc [Hons] degree in Psychology and Philosophy at South Bank University, London. He holds a Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies and is a Certified Astro*Carto*Graphy® practitioner.
- From Here to There. An Astrologer's Guide to Astromapping, edited by Martin Jay Davis, Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, 2008 Chapter 4 Relocation can be a career move. Published by the Wessex Astrologer. ISBN 9781902405278
- Astro*Carto*Graphy - Explanatory Handbook, by Jim Lewis. Chiron and the Moon's Node. Published by Equinox Astrology
Astro*Carto*Graphy Maps & Analyses (1997) Astro*Carto*Graphy
- Astrology Considered: A Thinking Person's Guide (2014) ANS Edited by Ed Snow with chapters by Robert Currey: Harry Potter Books inspired by Astrology pp.167-169, Computer Genius linked to Rare Planetary Alignment pp.154-156 & How Astrologers measure the Night Sky pp.89-94
- U-Turn in Carlson's Astrology Test? (2011) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.27 (2), July 2011 pp.7-33 [Abstract]

- A Formula for Orbital Synthesis (2012) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.28 (2), November 2012 pp.40-51
- Our Solar Matrix (2013) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.29 (1), December 2013 pp.5-38
- Review: Astrology under Scrutiny: Close encounters with science (2014) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.29 (2), July 2014 pp.52-68
- Can Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N) as defined by Eysenck match the Four Astrological Elements? (2017) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.31 (1), May 2017 pp.5-34
- Can western tropical interpretations apply to the Sidereal Zodiac? Comparing Psychological Types and the Four Elements in the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs (2018) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.32 (1), 2018 pp.47-62
- The evidence accumulates but proof is never possible. Plus the Evidence List of over 60 studies in the last 60 years. (2020) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.32 (2), 2020 pp.5-12
- Justice for the Supreme Court. Delving beyond a Sun Sign test of 114 Supreme Court Justices (2021) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.33 (2), 2021 pp.77-86
- Testing astrology based on practice rather than theory (2021) Correlation, Journal of research in astrology, Vol.33 (2), 2021 pp.65-76
Clients: Equinox has a large number of clients world-wide including British and foreign royalty, politicians and many celebrities. However, to preserve client confidentiality, only those who have publicly identified themselves as clients such as Brittany Spears and Robert Downey Junior can be mentioned.
Strictly Supernatural (1997), 3 part DVD series narrated by Christopher Lee. Consulting advice on content and interview on the Astrology section.
- Beyond Belief? James Langton interviews Dr Liz Greene, Dr Nicholas Campion and Robert Currey. Sunday Telegraph Review, 23 August 1992
[article & image]
- Taurus to End Bull Run, Edmund Tirbutt, Financial Mail on Sunday, 26 March 2000. Interview and Prediction.
Hall of Fame, 13. A Galaxy of Soothsayers, Night & Day, The Mail on Sunday Review, December 29 1996. Photoshoot
and Prediction. [article & image]
Live Interview in response to Richard Dawkins, Newsnight BBC TV (London WC12), 3 January 1996
Solar Empire (1997), Interview on 5 May 2000, York Films, (London WC1) for Discovery TV Channel, USA
[Letter 17 Feb 1997]
Hello London (1992), Interview for Japanese TV, Fujisankei Communications, (London W1)
[Letter 7 Oct 1992]
The New Age (1992), consulting advice and interview on Channel 4 TV series. Source: Best of British Men, ed.Martin Miller. Bath Press (1993) p.268 ISBN 0951863118
Review - Psychic New York: A Guide to Astrologers, Tarot Readers, Psychics, Palmists, & Numerologists (1998). Patricia Collins. ISBN 1885492286
Making fortunes from fortunes James Langton, The Sunday Telegraph, 22 January 1995
Hearts & Bones, HTV (Cardiff), April 2000, [Letter 13 December 1993] 7 part TV drama series where the work of Robert Currey, the Equinox personal horoscope has featured as part of the plot.
Interview about Eclipses, Now You're Talking hosted by Karen Clark, BBC Radio Scotland, 10 May 1994
Well you never can tell, Interview with Catherine Bennett, The Guardian, 16 February 1995
Astrology Strands Presentation with astrologer Jonathan Cainer, produced by New Media Television for Yorkshire TV, 27 April 1998
Stars in our Eyes, interview with Anita Chaudhuri, The Guardian, 13 January 2000
Bad Moon Rising... Are you about to fall in love, win the pools? It's all in the micro chips, interview with Paul Dymond Cognoscenti column, Evening Standard (London) 8 Jan. 1993
- Reportage Current Affairs, BBC TV, BBC2, Manchester, 16 April 1994
Interview with Graham Norton, Festival Radio (London WC2), 13 December 1993
Kilroy (chat show) on Twins, Kilroy Television Company, (Middlesex) for BBC TV, July 1997
Starpower - Robert Currey 'the man with the hotline to the stars' and Astrology Shop by Jane Alexander. City Limits. 4 Jan 1990
So you want to set up a shop? Karen Falconer. Independent Weekend, 14 October 1995
- By Jupiter! Explosion means bad time for some signs, Joan McAlpine, The Scotsman, 12 July 1994
- Russell Grant's Age of Aquarius Spectacular, LiveTV (London E14), 12 January 1996. Studio guest.
- Tokio Today, live interview wth Jon Kabira the host on FM Japan, 27 December 1993
- Astonishing rise of the new 'gurus' no smart woman can be without, Kate Molloy & Jill Parsons, The Mail on Sunday, 14 November 1993 "Robert Currey.. helped companies ranging from merchant banks to manufacturing corporations to recruit their staff."
Discussion on political astrology, Zino Saro-Wiwa, BBC World Service (London W5), 11 October 2001
Article in Woman magazine, (July 1992 issue). 4 Aug 1992
- "Esther" - studio discussion, BBC TV (London W12), June 1997. Producer Patsy Newey
- Bob Harris, Radio 2 Over Christmas Part 1: Interview, 2 January 1991
- Garner, Clare. Independent Pluto factor heralds world indifference in stars. Astrological epoch: Time for reflection as star-gazers greet 13 year period of transition. 11 November 1995
- Suddenly Royal - 7 part reality TV Show. Episodes 3, 6 and 7. TLC July 2015
Personal Life:
Robert Currey has two children and lives in a 500 year old converted flour Mill in the Fairy Glen in the Isle of Man, bordered by the Fairy Bridge. Both his parents had Manx ancestry. His maternal ancestors included the Derby family descended from the ancient Kings of Man who ruled the Island from Castle Rushen in the south. In 2015, Currey featured in a reality TV show entitled "Suddenly Royal". The 7 part series documented the claim by Drew Howe from Maryland to the throne of the Isle of Man.
While Currey was descended from the Manx sovereigns on his mother's side, his father's antecedents were the rival legal and political family from the north of the Island, the Christians of Milntown, descended from Viking invaders. In 1663 in retribution for his 'rebel stance' during the Civil War, the Earl of Derby ordered the execution of Manx Nationalist, politician, William Christian, known as Illiam Dhone. Dhone was executed by shooting while a repreive was on its way from the recently restored King, Charles II. The Christians of Milntown were never particularly compliant with authority. Another descendant of the line; Fletcher Christian, led the infamous mutiny on H.M.S.Bounty (28 April 1789).
Currey's father was an officer in the Royal Navy. As a child, Currey lived in three continents: Cape Town, Singapore, Brussels and the UK. With such an unsettled home base he was sent to boarding school. At Eton College, he was the first athlete to win the Victor Ludorum Cup twice since Ian Fleming.
Before becoming an astrologer, Currey was a commodity broker for C.Czarnikow in London. At 22, he was sent to Japan to join negotiations on sugar agreements with their largest customers, Mitsui and Mitsubishi. One journalist later quipped that Currey had always been motivated by futures!
In 2009, after the son of one of his staff Connor Mason, aged 13, died of cancer, Currey then aged 53, walked 85 miles in 21 hours 32 minutes as part of a team fund raising for Connor's Trust. In 2015, after training, he improved his time by over 4 hours to finish the annual 85 mile Parish walk in 17 hours 26 minutes coming 15th out of 1488 entries. However, Currey was beaten by his wife, Karen Chiarello who was 11th and 2nd woman to finish. In the same year, Currey won bronze for third place in the GB national RWA men's 100 mile walk and by walking 100 miles within 24 hours, he joined the Centurions. In 2017, Currey switched back to running and broke the Manx national over 60 age group records for the 100, 200 and 400 metre sprint.
Outside of astrology, Currey is a non-executive director of several companies including an international Pensions Company.
Name: Robert J.D. Currey
Date of Birth: 24 Sept 1955
Place of Birth: Dundee, Scotland
Occupation: Astrologer, Writer, Programmer
Website: www.equinoxastrology.com
Robert Currey receives a Lifetime Achievement at the KIA International Astrology Conference, Kolkata, India. (January 2016)
In 2017, Currey received the Charles Harvey award for exceptional service to astrology at the Astrological Association of GB Conference at Wyboston Lakes, Bedfordshire, UK.
Strictly Supernatural, 1996. Aired on Discovery Channel USA fall 1997 and released in DVD/video. Produced by Cafe Productions/Nonfiction Films. (London) Narrated by Christopher Lee Astrology Part 1 of 3 was filmed largely in the Astrology Shop in London. Robert Currey was the main astrological consultant on the content and artwork and presentation. [consultancy] [interview]
Beyond Belief, Sunday Telegraph Astrology Feature. 23 April 1992
Dr Nicholas Campion, Robert Currey, Dr Liz Greene
Taurus to end Bull Run. Financial Mail On Sunday 26, March 2000
Prediction made in early March that dot.com bubble was about to burst. Though technology shares had peaked, the fall was considered a correction. The collapse was recognized on April 4 2000 when NASDAQ fell from 4,283 points to 3,649
Hall of Fame, Mail on Sunday 29 December 1996
Galaxy of Soothsayers: Uri Geller, Nick Campion, Piers Corbyn, ... RC predicted UK General Election on May 8 in the following year. Election called on May 1, 1997