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Astrochemistry (A Study of Metal-Planet Affinities) Nick Kollerstrom 4.99
Astrology - 30 Years Research Doris Chase Doane 11.99
Astrology Reborn John Addey 1.00
Astrology as Science (A Statistical Approach) Mark Urban-Lurain 11.50
Classical Scientific Astrology George Noonan 12.99
Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour (The Planetary Factors in Personality) Michel Gauquelin 14.99
Cosmic Loom (The New Science of Astrology) Dennis Elwell 12.95
Cycles of Time (Rational Explanation for Astrology & Numerology) John Tatler 10.95
Dynamic Astrology (In the Light of Science) Sven Frederik Fisher Svensson 6.50
Eureka Effect (Astrology of Scientific Discovery) Nick Kollerstrom and Mike O'Neil 7.95
Message of Astrology (The New Vitalism and What It Means for Our Future) Peter Roberts 6.99
Metal-Planet Relationship (Study of Celestial Influence) Nick Kollerstrom 9.95
New Astrology Nicholas Campion and Steve Eddy 25.00
Planetary Heredity Michel Gauquelin 10.99
Science & Astrology (Relationship Between the Measure Formulae and the Zodiac) Arthur M. Young 4.50
Scientific Basis of Astrology (Tuning to the Music of the Planets) Percy Seymour 9.99

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This information is a guide to key astrological titles. Prices listed are a minimum in GB£. Current price and whether the title is still in print or not is not known.