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~ Ephemerides ~

A.F.A. 1776 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
A.F.A. 1777 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
A.F.A. 1781 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
A.F.A. 1787 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
A.F.A. 1789 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
A.F.A. 1792 Ephemeris Ernest Grant 3.95
American Ephemeris 1901-1930 Neil Michelsen 12.95
American Ephemeris 1931-1980 & Tables Neil Michelsen 24.95
American Ephemeris 1981-1990 Neil Michelsen 4.95
American Ephemeris 1991-2000 Neil Michelsen 10.99
American Ephemeris 2001-2010 - Midnight (Includes Aspectarian, Void Moon) Neil Michelsen 10.99
American Ephemeris for 20th Century - Midnight Neil Michelsen 19.99
American Ephemeris for 20th Century - Noon Neil Michelsen 19.99
American Ephemeris for the 21st (2001-2050) - Midnight Neil Michelsen 15.99
American Heliocentric Ephemeris 1901-2000 Neil Michelsen 25.00
American Midpoint Ephemeris 1986-1990 Neil Michelsen 4.99
American Midpoint Ephemeris 1991-1995 Neil Michelsen 7.95
American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 Neil Michelsen 21.99
American Sidereal Ephemeris 2001-2025 Neil Michelsen 21.99
Asteroid Ephemeris 1883-1999 Zipporah Dobyns 14.95
Asteroid Ephemeris 1900-2050 including Chiron & Black Moon St. Michel 16.99
Asteroid Mechanics Vol. I Martha Lang-Wescott 14.95
Astrolabe World Ephemeris 20001-2050 at Noon Robert Hand 25.00
Astrolabe World Ephemeris 2001-2050 At Midnight Robert Hand 25.00
Chiron Ephemeris Cao Times 14.95
Chiron Ephemeris (1770-2051) with Keys to Interpretation Helen Flack 11.99
Complete Ephemerides 1920-2020 Midnight St. Michel 29.95
Daily Position Ephemeris of Chiron 1891-2000 Eve S. Gregory 16.00
Deutsche Ephemeride Band 1 1850-1889 A.F.A. 25.00
Deutsche Ephemeride Band 2 1890-1930 A.F.A. 25.00
Deutsche Ephemeride Band VIII (2001-2020) A.F.A. 19.95
Draconic Ephemeris for the 20th Century (Computed by Neil Michelsen) Pamela Crane 35.00
Ephemeris (1950-1999) Including Secrets of Magi Astrology Magi Society 25.00
Ephemeris 1900-2000 (Midnight) Rosicrucian 25.50
Ephemeris for the 21st Century (2001-2050) - Noon Neil Michelsen 15.99
Ephemeris of the Moon (1800-2000 inclusive) Hugh MacCraig 6.50
Heliocentric Ephemeris 2001-2050 Neil Michelsen 25.00
Les Grandes Ephemerides (1500-1699) Guy Tredaniel 19.95
Les Grandes Ephemerides (1700-1899) Guy Tredaniel 19.95
Lilith Ephemeris 1900-2000 Delphine Jay 11.95
New International Ephemeris 1900-2050 St. Michel 22.95
Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions A.D 2 ~A.D. 1649 (Ephemeris) Bryant Tuckerman 27.95
Ramans 110 Years Ephemeris of Planetary Positions B.V. Raman 4.95
Raphael's 2000 Ephemeris Foulsham 3.99
Raphael's Yearly Ephemerides (Most Years Available) Foulsham 2.99/3.99
Rosicrucian Ephemeris 2000-2100 (Noon) Rosicrucian 25.50
Search for the Christmas Star (Complete Ephemeris for 7BC and 6BC with Commentary) Neil Michelsen and Maria Simms 2.95
Simplified Scientific Ephemeris 2000-2009 Rosicrucian 7.50
Transpluto Reinhold Ebertin 3.25
Uranian Astrology Guide Plus Ephemeris Sylvia Sherman and Jori Manske 15.95
Uranian Transneptune Ephemeris 1850-2050 Neil Michelsen 13.99
World Ephemeris for the 20th Century (Midnight) Robert Hand 24.99
World Ephemeris for the 20th Century (Noon) Robert Hand 24.99

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