Astrology Research
List of studies supporting a correlation between Moon Phase and animal behaviour published in scientific journals.
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  1. Archibald, Herbert L.(2014) The enigma of the 10-year wildlife population cycle solved? Evidence that the periodicity and regularity of the cycle are driven by a lunar zeitgeber The Canadian Field-Naturalist Journal Vol. 128 No.18
  2. Tessmar-Raible K, Raible F, Arboleda E. (2011) Another place, another timer: marine species and the rhythms of life. Bioessays 33, 165 - 172. (doi:10.1002/bies.201000096)
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  13. Jokiel PL, Ito RY, Liu PM. 1985 Night irradiance and synchonization of lunar release of planula larvae in the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis. Mar. Biol. 88, 167- 174. (doi:10.1007/BF00397164)
  14. Saigusa M. 1985 Tidal timing of larval release activity in non-tidal environment. Jpn J. Ecol. 35, 243- 251.
  15. Saigusa M. 1980 Entrainment of the semilunar rhythms by a simulated moonlight cycle in the terrestrial crab, Sesarma haematocheir. Oecologia 46, 38 - 44. (doi:10.1007/BF00346963)
  16. Saigusa M. 1988 Entrainment of tidal and semilunar rhythms by artificial moonlight cycles. Biol. Bull. 174, 126- 138. (doi:10.2307/1541779)
  17. Neumann D. 1975 Lunar and tidal rhythms in the development and reproduction of an inetridal organism. In Physiological adaptation to the environment (ed. FJ Vernberg), pp. 451- 463. New York, NY: Intext Education Publishers.
  18. Neumann D. 1988 The timing of reproduction to distinct spring tide situations in the intertidal insect Clunio. In Behavioral adaptation to intertidal life (ed. GAV Chelazzi). New York: Plenum Publishing.
  19. Caspers H. 1984 Spawning periodicity and habitat of the Palolo worm Eunice viridis (Polycheta, Eunicidae) in the Samoan islands. Mar. Biol. 79, 229- 236. (doi:10.1007/BF00393254)
  20. Fryer G. 1986 Lunar cycles in lake plankton. Nature 322, 306. (doi:10.1038/322306a0)
  21. Corbet PS. 1958 Lunar periodicity of aquatic insects in Lake Victoria. Nature 182, 330- 331. (doi:10. 1038/182330a0)
  22. Corbet SA, Sellick RD, Willoughby NG. 1974 Notes on the biology of the mayfly Povilla adusta in West Africa. J. Zool. 172, 491- 502. (doi:10.1111/j. 1469-7998.1974.tb04381.x)
  23. Grant RA, Chadwick EA, Halliday T. 2009 The lunar cycle: a cue for amphibian reproductive phenology? Anim. Behav. 78, 349- 357. (doi:10.1016/j.anbehav. 2009.05.007)
  24. Rand AS, Bridarolli ME, Dries L, Ryan MJ. 1997 Light levels influence female choice in Tungara frogs: predation risk assessment? Copeia 1997, 447- 450. (doi:10.2307/1447770) Mills AM. 1986 The influence of moonlight on the behavior of goatsuckers (Caprimulgidae). Auk 103, 370- 378.
  25. Jackson HD. 1985 Aspects of the breeding biology of the fierynecked nightjar. Ostrich 56, 263- 276. (doi:10.1080/00306525.1985.9639598)
  26. Baker GC, Dekker R. 2000 Lunar synchrony in the reproduction of the Moluccan Megapode Megapodius wallacei. Ibis 142, 382- 388. (doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.2000.tb04434.x)
  27. Dixon DR, Dixon LRJ, Bishop JD, Pettifor RA. 2006 Lunar-related reproductive behaviour in the badger (Meles meles). Acta Ethol. 9, 59- 63. (doi:10.1007/ s10211-006-0016-4)
  28. Penteriani V, Delgado MD, Campioni L, Lourenco R. 2011 Moonlight makes owls more chatty. PLoS ONE 5, e8696. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008696)
  29. Ganey JL. 1990 Calling behavior of spotted owls in northern Arizona. Condor 92, 485- 490. (doi:10. 2307/1368245)
  30. Mougeot F, Bretagnolle V. 2000 Predation risk and moonlight avoidance in nocturnal seabirds. J. Avian Biol. 31, 376 - 386. (doi:10.1034/j.1600-048X.2000. 310314.x)
  31. Woods CP, Brigham RM. 2008 Common poorwill activity and calling behavior in relation to moonlight and predation. Wilson J. Ornithol. 120, 505 - 512. (doi:10.1676/06-067.1)
  32. Bender DJ, Bayne EM, Brigham RM. 1996 Lunar condition influences coyote (Canis latrans) howling. Am. Midland Nat. 136, 413- 417. (doi:10.2307/ 2426745)
  33. Youthed GJ, Moran VC. 1969 The lunar-day activity rhythm of myrmeleontid larvae. J. Insect Physiol. 15, 1259 - 1271. (doi:10.1016/0022- 1910(69)90235-2)
  34. Kerfoot WB. 1967 Lunar periodicity of sphecodogastra texana nocturnal bee (Hymenoptera Halictidae). Anim. Behav. 15, 479. (doi:10.1016/0003-3472(67)90047-4)
  35. Oehmke MG. 1973 Lunar periodicity in flight activity of honey bees. J. Interdis. Cycle Res. 4, 319- 335. (doi:10.1080/09291017309359395)
  36. Weaver RE. (2011) Effects of simulated moonlight on activity in the desert nightsnake (Hypsiglena chlorophaea). Northwest Sci. 85, 497- 500. (doi:10. 3955/046.085.0308)
  37. Yamagishi M. 1974 Observation on the nocturnal activity of the habu with special reference to the intensity of moonlight. Snake 6, 37 - 43.
  38. Campbell SR, Mackessy SP, Clarke JA. 2008 Microhabitat use by brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis): effects of moonlight and prey. J. Herpetol. 42, 246- 250. (doi:10.1670/07-0681.1)
  39. Lillywhite HB, Brischoux F.(2012) Is it better in the moonlight? Nocturnal activity of insular cottonmouth snakes increases with lunar light levels. J. Zool. 286, 194- 199. (doi:10.1111/j.1469- 7998.2011.00866.x)
  40. Clarke JA, Chopko JT, Mackessy SP. 1996 The effect of moonlight on activity patterns of adult and juvenile prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis). J. Herpetol. 30, 192- 197. (doi:10.2307/1565509)
  41. Penteriani V, Kuparinen A, Delgado MD, Lourenco R, Campioni L. 2011 Individual status, foraging effort and need for conspicuousness shape behavioural responses of a predator to moon phases. Anim. Behav. 82, 413- 420. (doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011. 05.027)
  42. Brigham RM, Gutsell RCA, Wiacek RS, Geiser F. 1999 Foraging behaviour in relation to the lunar cycle by Australian owlet-nightjars Aegotheles cristatus. Emu 99, 253 - 261. (doi:10.1071/MU99031)
  43. Brigham RM, Barclay RMR. 1992 Lunar influence on foraging and nesting activity of common whippoorwills (Phalaenoptilus nuttalli). Auk 109, 315- 320. (doi:10.2307/4088200)
  44. Kortner G, Brigham RM, Geiser F. 2000 Metabolism: winter torpor in a large bird. Nature 407, 318.
  45. Smit B, Boyles JG, Brigham RM, McKechnie AE. 2011 Torpor in dark times: patterns of heterothermy are associated with the lunar cycle in a nocturnal bird. J. Biol. Rhythms 26, 241- 248. (doi:10.1177/ 0748730411402632)
  46. Jetz W, Steffen J, Linsenmair KE. 2003 Effects of light and prey availability on nocturnal, lunar and seasonal activity of tropical nightjars. Oikos 103, 627- 639. (doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2003.12856.x)
  47. Milsom TP, Rochard JBA, Poole SJ. 1990 Activity patterns of lapwings Vanellus vanellus in relation to the lunar cycle. Ornis Scand. 21, 147 - 156. (doi:10. 2307/3676811)
  48. Pyle P, Nur N, Henderson RP, Desante DF. 1993 The effects of weather and lunar cycle on nocturnal migration of landbirds at Southeast Farallon Island, California. Condor 95, 343- 361. (doi:10.2307/ 1369357)
  49. Pinet P, Jaeger A, Cordier E, Potin G, Le Corre M. 2011 Celestial moderation of tropical seabird behavior. PLoS ONE 6, e27663. (doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0027663)
  50. Kotler BP, Brown JS, Hasson O. 1991 Factors affecting gerbil foraging behavior and rates of owl predation. Ecology 72, 2249- 2260. (doi:10.2307/ 1941575)
  51. Longland WS, Price MV. 1991 Direct observations of owls and heteromyid rodents—can predation risk explain microhabitat use. Ecology 72, 2261 - 2273. (doi:10.2307/1941576)
  52. Price MV, Waser NM, Bass TA. 1984 Effects of moonlight on microhabitat use by desert rodents. J. Mammal. 65, 353- 356. (doi:10.2307/1381183) 61. Theuerkauf J, Jedrzejewski W, Schmidt K, Okarma H, Ruczynski I, Sniezko S, Gula R. 2003 Daily patterns and duration of wolf activity in the Bialowieza Forest, Poland. J. Mammal. 84, 243-253. (doi:10.1644/1545- 1542(2003)084,0243:DPADOW.2.0.CO;2)
  53. Clarke JA. 1983 Moonlighs influence on predator- prey interactions between short-eared owls (Adio flammeus) and deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 13, 205- 209. (doi:10.1007/ BF00299924)
  54. Griffin PC, Griffin SC, Waroquiers C, Mills LS. 2005 Mortality by moonlight: predation risk and the snowshoe hare. Behav. Ecol. 16, 938- 944. (doi:10. 1093/beheco/ari074)
  55. Eggermann J, Gula R, Pirga B, Theuerkauf J, Tsunoda H, Brzezowska B, Rouys S, Radler S. 2009 Proc R Soc B 280: 20123088 8 Daily and seasonal variation in wolf activity in the Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland. Mamm. Biol. 74, 159- 163. (doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2008.05.010)
  56. Jones M, Mandelik Y, Dayan T. 2001 Coexistence of temporally partitioned spiny mice: roles of habitat structure and foraging behavior. Ecology 82, 2164 - 2176. (doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2001)082 [2164:COTPSM]2.0.CO;2)
  57. Bowers MA. 1988 Seed removal experiments on desert rodents: the microhabitat by moonlight effect. J. Mammal. 69, 201- 204. (doi:10.2307/ 1381778)
  58. Vasquez RA. 1994 Assessment of predation risk via illumination level—facultative central place foraging in the cricetid rodent Phyllotis darwini. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 34, 375- 381. (doi:10.1007/ BF00197008)
  59. Topping MG, Millar JS, Goddard JA. 1999 The effects of moonlight on nocturnal activity in bushy-tailed wood rats (Neotoma cinerea). Can. J. Zool. 77, 480- 485.
  60. Gutman R, Dayan T. 2005 Temporal partitioning: an experiment with two species of spiny mice. Ecology 86, 164- 173. (doi:10.1890/03-0369)
  61. Gutman R, Dayan T, Levy O, Schubert I, KronfeldSchor N. 2011 The effect of the lunar cycle on fecal cortisol metabolite levels and foraging ecology of nocturnally and diurnally active spiny mice. PLoS ONE 6, e23446. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023446)
  62. Morrison DW. 1978 Lunar phobia in a neotropical fruit bat, Artibeus jamaicensis (Chiroptera Phyllostomidae). Anim. Behav. 26, 852- 855. (doi:10.1016/0003-3472(78)90151-3)
  63. Riek A, Kortner G, Geiser F. (2010) Thermobiology, energetics and activity patterns of the Eastern tubenosed bat (Nyctimene robinsoni) in the Australian tropics: effect of temperature and lunar cycle. J. Exp. Biol. 213, 2557 - 2564. (doi:10.1242/jeb.043182)
  64. Crespo RF, Burns RJ, Mitchell GC, Linhart SB. 1972 Foraging behavior of common vampire bat related to moonlight. J. Mammal. 53, 366. (doi:10.2307/ 1379175)
  65. Gannon MR, Willig MR. 1997 The effect of lunar illumination on movement and activity of the red figeating bat (Stenoderma rufum). Biotropica 29, 525-529. (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.1997.tb00048.x)
  66. Bork KS. 2006 Lunar phobia in the greater fishing bat Noctilio leporinus (Chiroptera : Noctilionidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 54, 1117- 1123.
  67. Ciechanowski M, Zajac T, Bitas A, Dunajski R. 2007 Spatiotemporal variation in activity of bat species differing in hunting tactics: effects of weather, moonlight, food abundance, and structural clutter. Can. J. Zool. 85, 1249- 1263. (doi:10.1139/Z07-090)
  68. Lang AB, Kalko EKV, Romer H, Bockholdt C, Dechmann DKN. 2006 Activity levels of bats and katydids in relation to the lunar cycle. Oecologia 146, 659 - 666. (doi:10.1007/s00442- 005-0131-3)
  69. Hecker KR, Brigham RM. 1999 Does moonlight change vertical stratification of activity by forestdwelling insectivorous bats? J. Mammal. 80, 1196- 1201. (doi:10.2307/1383170)
  70. Vanorsdol KG. 1984 Foraging behavior and hunting success of lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Afr. J. Ecol. 22, 79- 99. (doi:10.1111/j. 1365-2028.1984.tb00682.x)
  71. Sabato MAL, de Melo LFB, Magni EMV, Young RJ, Coelho CM. 2006 A note on the effect of the full moon on the activity of wild maned wolves, Chrysocyon brachyurus. Behav. Process. 73, 228 - 230. (doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2006.05.012)
  72. Rasmussen GSA, Macdonald DW. 2011 Masking of the zeitgeber: African wild dogs mitigate persecution by balancing time. J. Zool. 286, 232 - 242. (doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00874.x)
  73. Harmsen BJ, Foster RJ, Silver SC, Ostro LET, Doncaster CP. (2010) Jaguar and puma activity patterns in relation to their main prey. Mamm. Biol. 76, 320- 324. (doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2010.08.007)
  74. Gursky S. 2003 Lunar philia in a nocturnal primate. Int. J. Primatol. 24, 351- 367. (doi:10.1023/ A:1023053301059)
  75. Erkert HG. 2008 Diurnality and nocturnality in nonhuman primates: comparative chronobiological studies in laboratory and nature. Biol. Rhythm Res. 39, 229- 267. (doi:10.1080/09291010701683391)
  76. Erkert HG, Fernandez-Duque E, Rotundo M, Scheideler A.(2012) Seasonal variation of temporal niche in wild owl monkeys (Aotus azarai azarai) of the Argentinean chaco: a matter of masking? Chronobiol. Int. 29, 702 - 714. (doi:10.3109/ 07420528.2012.673190)
  77. Fernandez-Duque E, de la Iglesia H, Erkert HG. (2010) Moonstruck primates: owl monkeys (Aotus) need moonlight for nocturnal activity in their natural environment. PLoS ONE 5, e12572. (doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0012572)
  78. Levy O, Dubinsky Z, Achituv Y. 2003 Photobehavior of stony corals: responses to light spectra and intensity. J. Exp. Biol. 206, 4041- 4049. (doi:10. 1242/jeb.00622)
  79. Gorbunov MY, Falkowski PG. 2002 Photoreceptors in the cnidarian hosts allow symbiotic corals to sense blue moonlight. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47, 309 - 315. (doi:10.4319/lo.2002.47.1.0309)
  80. Levy O, Appelbaum L, Leggat W, Gothlif Y, Hayward DC, Miller DJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O. 2007 Lightresponsive cryptochromes from a simple multicellular animal, the coral Acropora millepora. Science 318, 467 - 470. (doi:10.1126/science.1145432)
  81. Kaiser TS, Heckel DG.(2012) Genetic architecture of local adaptation in lunar and diurnal emergence times of the marine midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera). PLoS ONE 7. (doi:10.1371/ annotation/fe06ff76-bdd0-41d9-be11-07b9646d0ca8)
  82. Benna C, Bonaccorsi S, Wulbeck C, Helfrich-Forster C, Gatti M, Kyriacou CP, Costa R, Sandrelli F. (2010) Drosophila timeless2 is required for chromosome stability and circadian photoreception. Curr. Biol. 20, 346 - 352. (doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.12.048)
  83. Fleissner G, Schuchardt K, Neumann D, Bali G, Falkenberg G. 2008 A lunar clock changes shielding pigment transparency in larval ocelli of Clunio marinus. Chronobiol. Int. 25, 17 - 30. (doi:10.1080/ 07420520801904008)
  84. Helfrich-Forster C, Edwards T, Yasuyama K, Wisotzki B, Schneuwly S, Stanewsky R, Meinertzhagen IA, Hofbauer A. 2002 The extraretinal eyelet of Drosophila: development, ultrastructure, and putative circadian function. J. Neurosci. 22, 9255- 9266.
  85. Hirsh J, Riemensperger T, Coulom H, Iche M, Coupar J, Birman S. (2010) Roles of dopamine in circadian rhythmicity and extreme light sensitivity of circadian entrainment. Curr. Biol. 20, 209- 214. (doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.11.037)
  86. Bachleitner W, Kempinger L, Wulbeck C, Rieger D, Helfrich-Forster C. 2007 Moonlight shifts the endogenous clock of Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 104, 3538 - 3543. (doi:10.1073/ pnas.0606870104)
  87. Rieger D, Fraunholz C, Popp J, Bichler D, Dittmann R, Helfrich-Forster C. 2007 The fruit fly Drosophila melangaster favors dim light and times its activity peaks to early dawn and late dusk. J. Biol. Rhythms 22, 387 - 399. (doi:10.1177/0748730407306198)
  88. Kempinger L, Dittmann R, Rieger D, Helfrich-Forster C. 2009 The nocturnal activity of fruit flies exposed to artificial moonlight is partly caused by direct light effects on the activity level that bypass the endogenous clock. Chronobiol. Int. 26, 151 - 166. (doi:10.1080/07420520902747124)
  89. Vanin S, Bhutani S, Montelli S, Menegazzi P, Green EW, Pegoraro M, Sandrelli F, Costa R, Kyriacou CP. 2012 Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions. Nature 484, 371- 375. (doi:10.1038/nature10991)
  90. Fujii S, Krishnan P, Hardin P, Amrein H. 2007 Nocturnal male sex drive in Drosophila. Curr. Biol. 17, 244 - 251. (doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.11.049)
  91. Gorman MR, Evans JA, Elliott JA. 2006 Potent circadian effects of dim illumination at night in hamsters. Chronobiol. Int. 23, 245 - 250. (doi:10. 1080/07420520500521905)
  92. Gorman MR, Elliott JA. 2004 Dim nocturnal illumination alters coupling of circadian pacemakers in Siberian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus. J. Comp. Physiol. A. Neuroethol. Sens. Neural. Behav. Physiol. 190, 631- 639. (doi:10.1007/s00359-004-0522-7)
  93. Gorman MR, Elliott JA, Evans JA. 2003 Plasticity of hamster circadian entrainment patterns depends on light intensity. Chronobiol. Int. 20, 233 - 248. (doi:10.1081/CBI-120018576)
  94. Evans JA, Elliott JA, Gorman MR. 2005 Circadian entrainment and phase resetting differ markedly under dimly illuminated versus completely dark Proc R Soc B 280: 20123088 9 nights. Behav. Brain Res. 162, 116 - 126. (doi:10. 1016/j.bbr.2005.03.014)
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  102. Erkert HG, Cramer B. 2006 Chronobiological background to cathemerality: circadian rhythms in Eulemur fulvus albifrons (Prosimii) and Aotus azarai boliviensis (Anthropoidea). Folia Primatol. 77, 87 - 103. (doi:10.1159/000089697)
  103. Donati G, Lunardini A, Kappeler PM, Tarli SMB. 2001 Nocturnal activity in the cathemeral red-fronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus), with observations during a lunar eclipse. Am. J. Primatol. 53, 69- 78. (doi:10.1002/1098-2345(200102)53:2,69::AIDAJP2.3.0.CO;2-R)
  104. Rotics S, Dayan T, Levy O, Kronfeld-Schor N. 2011 Light Masking in the field: an experiment with nocturnal and diurnal spiny mice under semi-natural field conditions. Chronobiol. Int. 28, 70 - 75. (doi:10.3109/ 07420528.2010.525674)
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  110. Fonken LK, Kitsmiller E, Smale L, Nelson RJ.(2012) Dim nighttime light impairs cognition and provokes depressive-like responses in a diurnal rodent. J. Biol. Rhythms 27, 319- 327. (doi:10.1177/0748 730412448324)
  111. LeGates TA, Altimus CM, Wang H, Lee HK, Yang S, Zhao H, Kirkwood A, Weber ET, Hattar S. (2012) Aberrant light directly impairs mood and learning through melanopsin-expressing neurons. Nature 491, 594 - 598. (doi:101038/nature11673)
  112. Fonken LK, Finy MS, Walton JC, Weil ZM, Workman JL, Ross J, Nelson RJ. 2009 Influence of light at night on murine anxiety- and depressive-like responses. Behav. Brain Res. 205, 349- 354. (doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2009.07.001)
  113. Buijs RM, Wortel J, van Heerikhuize JJ, Feenstra MGP, Ter Horst GJ, Romijn HJ, Kalsbeek A. 1999 Anatomical and functional demonstration of a multisynaptic suprachiasmatic nucleus adrenal (cortex) pathway. Eur. J. Neurosci. 11, 1535 - 1544. (doi:10.1046/j.1460-9568.1999.00575.x)
  114. Ardayfio P, Kim KS. 2006 Anxiogenic-like effect of chronic corticosterone in the light -dark emergence task in mice. Behav. Neurosci. 120, 1267. (doi:10. 1037/0735-7044.120.6.1267)
  115. Conrad CD, MacMillan DD, Tsekhanov S, Wright RL, Baran SE, Fuchs RA. 2004 Influence of chronic corticosterone and glucocorticoid receptor antagonism in the amygdala on fear conditioning. Neurobiol. Learn Mem. 81, 185 - 199. (doi:10.1016/ j.nlm.2004.01.002)
  116. Mrosovsky N, Hattar S. 2003 Impaired masking responses to light in melanopsin-knockout mice. Chronobiol. Int. 20, 989- 999. (doi:10.1081/CBI- 120026043)
  117. Fonken LK, Workman JL, Walton JC, Weil ZM, Morris JS, Haim A, Nelson RJ. (2010) Light at night increases body mass by shifting the time of food intake. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 7, 18 664- 18 669. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1008734107)
  118. Shuboni D, Yan L. (2012) Nighttime dim light exposure alters the responses of the circadian system. Neuroscience 170, 1172 - 1178. (doi:10. 1016/j.neuroscience.2010.08.009)
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