Unable to load the Orrery?
It may be that your browser cannot read Java applets or you may simply need to refresh the page if the Orrery doesn't appear to be loading first time. [It takes a few seconds to load]
Netscape users - are likely to need to download the free Java plug-in and may need to ensure that Java applets are enabled in their browser preferences. This is done through selecting Edit/ Preferences/ Advanced - enable all Java.
Microsoft Internet Explorer users may need to check that Java is enabled by selecting Tools/ Internet Options/ Advanced - check Java [applet] option box. If the option for Java is not there, go to the free Java download.
Java Plug-in makes it possible for your computer (including Windows XP, Me, NT, 2000, 98, or 95) to run applets, small applications that add tremendous power to the convenience of the Web. Applets run on just about any computer because most come with Java software already installed. But some do not, and older computers may have an out-of-date version.
Click to download Java Plug-in.
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